Use of “Cookies” to enhance and customize your experience on website.

To enhance your experience on Chromachemie website, many of Chromachemie web pages use cookies. Cookies are small text files that are placed in your computer’s browser to store your preferences. Cookies, by themselves, do not provide your email address or other personal information unless you choose to provide this information to Chromachemie —for example, by registering for e-newsletters or completing a web form. Once you choose to provide personal information to a web page, this information may be linked to the data stored in the cookie.

Analytics cookies store information about what pages people visit, how long they are on the site, how they got there, and what they click on. Information supplied by analytics cookies helps Chromachemie analyse the profile of visitors and provide them with a better experience. Analytics cookies do not collect or store personal information (for example, names or addresses), so this information cannot be used to identify individuals. Most browsers allow cookies. However, user can set your browsers to refuse or remove them if they wish.

If you want to control which cookies you accept, configure your browser to accept all cookies or to alert you every time a cookie is offered by a website’s server. Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can set your browser options so that you will not receive cookies and you can delete existing cookies from your browser. We draw your attention to the fact that disabling cookies may prevent you from accessing certain features on our website.